Attention active committees: The mandatory July Quarterly Report is due July 15, 2024. Click here to begin your report today.

Campaign Finance


New Committee Registrations

View all active campaign finance committees registered with the Commission by the date registered.

Candidate or Committee Name

Search for information about a committee and view committee’s disclosure reports.

Candidate by Election

Search for candidates running for office in a specific election and view an overview of money received and spent.

Committee Expenditures for Candidates

Search expenditures made (money spent) to support or oppose a candidate by a committee directly to a vendor without the candidate’s coordination or consultation.

Ballot Measures by Election

View campaign committees formed to support or oppose a ballot measure in a specific election and view an overview of money received and spent.

Committee Expenditure for Ballot Measures Search

View expenditures made (money spent) to support or oppose a ballot measure by a committee directly to a vendor without the committee’s coordination or consultation.

Committee Contributions & Expenditures

Search contributions received and/or expenditures made as reported by a committee.

Contributions Over $5,000

View all single contributions over $5,000 reported received from a single contributor by a committee on a 48 Hour Contribution over $5,000 Report.

Non-Committee Expenditures

View reports filed by individuals, businesses, and groups, not defined as a committee, that made expenditures totaling $500 or more in support of or in opposition to candidates or ballot measures.

LLC Campaign Finance Registrations

View information about limited liability companies (LLCs) registered with the MEC. Effective August 28, 2022, certain LLCs must register with the MEC prior to making contributions to Missouri campaign finance committees.

Campaign Finance

Candidate Central

Information and resources candidates need for their campaign and ethics requirements.


View frequently asked questions regarding candidate and committee campaign finance requirements.

Resources & Training

View a variety of different resources regarding ethics laws, including publications and training opportunities.