Attention all committees involved in the August Primary Election: The conditional 8 day before report is due July 29, 2024. Click here to begin your report today.

Missouri State Government Internet User Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting the Missouri Ethics Commission Web site and reviewing our privacy policy. Our policy is simple: we collect no personal information about you unless you choose to provide it. We do not give or sell personal information to others. For details about how we safeguard personal information, please read below.


While you browse the Web site our operating system will automatically record the following information:
  • The name of the domain from which you accessed our Web site. For example, if you are connecting from an America Online account, the fact that someone who visited this Web site uses AOL as an Internet service provider will be known, but the individual e-mail address of you will not be known.
  • The Internet Protocol Number (IP Address) of the machine used to access the Web site.
  • The date and time any page on our site was accessed.
  • The address (also called the URL) of the Web site from which any page on this site was linked. For example, if you clicked on a hyperlink on the Web site of a newspaper to reach the Missouri Ethics Commission Web site, that fact is recorded. However, as discussed above, your identity remains unknown.
  • The user agent used to access our Web site, such as "Netscape Version X.X" or "Internet Explorer Version X.X".
  • The type of operating system you use such as Macintosh, Unix, or Windows.
This tracking system does NOT record information about individuals. This information is used to monitor traffic and improve this site.


If you send us e-mail, the message will usually contain your return address. If you include personal information in your e-mail, we may use that information in responding to your request. Email is not necessarily secure or confidential. Send only the information that is necessary for us to answer your question or process your request.

Links to Other Sites

Our site provides links to other Web sites. The privacy policy described here does NOT apply to any external sites. Read the privacy policies of other sites you visit. Be informed. You are the person best qualified to protect your own privacy.

For More Information

If you have any questions or comments about our privacy policy, contact