Attention all committees: The mandatory October Quarterly report is due October, 15 2024. Click here to begin your report today.

Commission Business

Commission Business


Any individual may file a complaint with the Missouri Ethics Commission if that individual believes any candidate or other individual has violated campaign finance disclosure laws, personal financial disclosure laws, lobbying laws, conflict of interest laws, or any violation of law, order, ordinance, or resolution dealing with the official conduct of officials or employees. The Commission may also initiate an investigation upon the review of reports and related records that are required to be filed by law.

The Commission acts as an administrative body and consists of six members, each appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the senate for a four-year term. Commissioners serve in a non-partisan manner and not more than three can be of the same political party. Each member must be selected from a different congressional district and a chair and vice-chair are elected biannually. The Commission holds commission meetings regularly to act upon complaints and investigations and issues advisory opinions regarding the laws it enforces.

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Commission Business


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Resources & Training

View a variety of different resources regarding ethics laws, including publications and training opportunities.