Reminder: April candidates who are required to file a Personal Finance Disclosure (PFD), must file by January 14th. Click here to begin filing.




A lobbyist is an individual who attempts to influence state executive, state legislative, or state judicial actions; and meets one or more of the following: a) acting in the ordinary course of business; b) engaged in pay as a lobbyist; c) designated to act as a lobbyist by a person, business entity, governmental entity, religious organization, nonprofit corporation, association or other entity; and d) spends $50 or more on behalf of public officials, annually, from January 1 through December 31.

An elected local government official’s lobbyist is an individual employed specifically for the purpose of attempting to influence any action by a local government elected official in a county, city, town, or village with an annual operating budget of over $10 million dollars.

Popular Topics

What is a Lobbyist?

Learn Missouri lobbyist types, requirements, and definitions.



View frequently asked questions regarding lobbyist and lobbyist requirements.

Resources & Training

View a variety of different resources regarding ethics laws, including publications and training opportunities.