Attention all committees involved in the August Primary Election: The conditional 8 day before report is due July 29, 2024. Click here to begin your report today.

Personal Financial Disclosure

Financial Disclosure


Personal Financial Disclosure (PFD) is a statement, completed and filed, by a public official, an employee or a candidate, disclosing the financial interests of themselves, their spouse and any dependent child(ren). Historically used to disclose any potential conflicts of interest between an individual and their subdivision. A filed PFD statement, also known as a Financial Interest Statement, is available to the public upon written request.

Popular Topics

2023 - 2024 Reporting Schedule

A calendar of upcoming deadlines for filing your personal financial disclosure statement.

Guide to PFD

Use the guide to complete your personal financial disclosure.

Guide for Local Election Authorities

Step by step planning for annual MEC requirements.

Sample Ordinance

A sample of an ordinance/resolution/policy pertaining to conflicts of interest and personal financial disclosure.

Financial Disclosure


View frequently asked questions regarding PFD and filing requirements.

Resources & Training

View a variety of different resources regarding ethics laws, including publications and training opportunities.