Lobbyist Expenditure(s) by Recipient Name, by Expenditure Year or Month, by Expenditure Type or Amount
Search all expenditures reported by a lobbyist made on behalf of any group or individual including a state public official, their employee/ staff, spouse/child, a department head and their staff, and a local elected official in a municipality with a budget over $10 million.
Anyone that had a lobbyist expenditure made on their behalf since 2004 can be found via this search.
Select the Report Year and month range (defaults to calendar year) from the drop-down lists to begin. Customize search results by selecting Expenditure Type(s) and/or Expenditure Amount and/or Recipient Name, click Search to see results (may need to scroll down and/or disable pop-up blocker).
Additional information can be found from the search results by selecting the lobbyist, the recipient, or the dollar amount.
Step 1 - Select the Report Year and Month (required)
Report Year:
Report Month:
Step 2 - Limit your search by the Expenditure(s) Type or Amount (optional)
Expenditure Types:
Expenditure Amount:
to $
Step 3 - Limit your search by the Recipient (optional)
Recipient Name:
Results from the selections below will only apply to individual and/or solicitation expenditure types.
Results will include employee/staff and spouse/child expenditures. |
Recipient Type: